Saturday, January 23, 2010


We have had a couple of ups and downs the last 24 hours. Initially, yesterday morning he looked good and they told us we would be discharged on Monday. At the time, two things concerned him- fluid on the lungs and low blood platelets, both common after OHS. His diuretics were increased to help him pee out the fluid during the day. Liam's breathing was a little shallow because of the fluid but stable./

Then Liam's shallow breathing became worse and eventually at midnight, chest x rays were done, increased diuretics and an additional type of them, and no more bottle feeding enforced. We are still waiting on word of what the next step will be but unfortunately, its a possibility of getting a chest tube surgically put in to get the fluid out of his lungs. His xray this morning seems to have gotten better but the decision is up to the surgical team and not the attending physicians. They will be doing rounds soon and hopefully once that is over, we will know more for his treatment.

For now, Liam is sleeping, a little fussy probably because I'm sure he'd like to eat and he is due for more pain meds as well. We are just anxiously awaiting for the game plan. Let's hope he starts going to the bathroom more so he can breath better, its tough watching him to struggle. Something that we take for granted, breathing in air.

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