William Michael Kuhns joined this world at 11:50 p.m. on 11/11/2009. And its a good thing too because those born on 11/12 just paled in comparison to Veterans Day, Gen Patton, etc. (Tonya Harding and Jeffrey Dahmer, keep your birthday).
I was admitted to the hospital on 11/1o after a high blood pressure reading at my 37 week appointment. My reaction was it should be high after being made over 2 hours to wait for the doctor to see me. Oh well, apparently no one else believed that I was just annoyed. I was given some medicine and told I would be staying overnight. Alex came after work and snuck me a piece of carrot cake from the cafeteria since I couldn't get anyone to feed me and it had been 12 hours. We watched tv, talked and said good night. He went home to let the dogs out and get a good nights sleep. Good thing..
The next day, I was still being monitored and after a bite to eat at 2pm, was told to only drink water. At 6pm, as Alex and I sat there probably on Facebook a nurse came in and confiscated my water. She said we were going to be delivering that night at 9:30. We called our families and then went into panic. Alex rushed home to get a few things- I wanted qtips, 3, specifically so I could shower and clean my ears. My love of my life came home with the package from the wholesale club. 800. They really weren't that dirty :o)
The dogs were kenneled, bags were packed and camera was charged by 8:30pm. We were wearing our scrubs and taking stupid pictures of ourselves. 9pm came and went. 9:30pm came and went. Finally at 10pm, my favorite nurse Sandi came and told us they were running a little behind. We were brought down about 10:30pm and I walked into the surgery room. I was doing fine until they had to put a new IV in me because my other one was inserted incorrectly. Note to Mom, see I told you it really hurt!
The spinal tap was actually easy but by the time I got it, I was freezing and had the shakes. The doctor said this is just how some people react to the anesthesia and I felt like I was having seizures the entire time. This was the most unpleasant part of the surgery. The doctor began to narrate how they were slicing me open and I told them to stop immediately. Alex was brought in at some point and he held my hand. He remembered my one request and began talking to me so I couldn't hear the surgery. Alex recounted all of our funny and greatest dates, wedding, honeymoon and was amazing. And then I remember someone asking Alex if he wanted to watch, he said hell yes or something to that effect and jumped up. And then the elephant sat on me. It literally felt like I was being suffocated to death and they warned me it would. Alex watched our son being delivered and hearing his amazement gave my hope it was almost over.
William Michael came into this world screaming and squealing, something that surprised us both and made me cry immediately. They told us he probably wouldn't because c-section kids don't exercise their lungs like natural births. He was brought to the bassinet which was over my left shoulder and I was watching Alex as he saw him for the first time. I heard little bits of the conversation. One nurse said red hair and I laughed. Alex took some pictures and came over to me to show them. They weighed him and he came in well under the 7lb baby we expected- just 5 lbs, 6 oz. He was 19 inches and 3/8s long, much longer than anticipated as well. After Liam was wrapped, they brought him over to me and I kissed him, told him I loved him and I would see him soon. Alex went with Liam and the pediatrician for all the official stuff as I was sewed up. I don't remember much other than one nurse holding my shoulders because I was shaking. I was offered some other drug to take the edge off but declined- I just wanted to go see my baby and remember every detail.
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