Growing up, I was never a fan of roller coasters or the unknown. Immediately after the birth of little man, we got on one of the craziest emotional roller coasters I couldn't have imagined or wished on our worst enemy. After I was done being sewn up, I was taken to a recovery area and was surprised to find myself...alone. Alex and Liam both weren't in the room and I was told that's where they would be. My nurse put some hot air blanket on me because my temperature had dropped too low and went off to look for them. It was about 1am. At 1:30 am, she came back and I was in a panic. She said Alex was with Liam over in NICU. Alex walked in shortly after and reassured me all was ok, they just needed to get his oxygen levels up. They were thought to be low because of the c-section.
We waited. And waited. Finally at 3am, after being talked to by the nurse and one of the surgeons about senseless stuff for over 30 minutes, I threw a mini fit and said take me to him. So 3 hours and 10 minutes after he was born, I was rolled in the bed over to NICU. He was hooked up to a number of monitors and had oxygen. It was both scary but exciting to see him finally. The NICU staff told us he was doing well and should be in my recovery room that morning. They placed him in my arms and I finally noticed how tiny he was. I wasn't sure how to hold him and that scared me.
We rolled away shortly after this and about 5 feet from his room, I got sick- I mean green bile and what seemed like buckets of it everywhere. I don't know if it was my nerves but I felt such relief knowing he was okay, I guess I lost it. We finally were admitted to our room and went to bed about 4am. I was wide awake again at 6am and called the NICU. I was told we had to wait until after the shift change at 7:30am to come back. At this point, I was beyond anxious so I called my Mommy. Alex had called everyone the night before but we didn't get to our room til dawn so this was the first chance I had to check in. It was great just talking about the delivery and my son, using the word son. It calmed me down a ton.
Finally, the nurse came to take us to NICU and she had me walk to the wheelchair. I felt okay and only had a little pain. When we got to his room, the oxygen was off which I took for a good sign and was hoping I could just take him with me. One of the nurses gave him to me to hold and said the doctor would be in shortly. This is where that aforementioned roller coaster ride would really begin to spin out of control, 8 hours after he was born.
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