Thursday, November 11, 2010

Birthday Boy Reflection

A year ago tonight at 11:50 pm, my life forever changed. I didn't just become a new Mommy, I became a new person. I'd often wondered over the years about my career, where I would be in a few years, how quickly I could prove myself- it became a closed chapter when Liam entered this world. I didn't realize how important my career, my "grooming" would help me help my son or push me into my only role without ever looking back. Politics, fundraising, lobbying, advocating- my best client will be my little man.

A crash course in pediatric cardiology and Down Syndrome quickly followed his arrival and while I was scared of death, more than once this last year, we made it here. One year old. Take that insensitive NICU doctor who broke the news to us as if we were learning about the Giants game. "He may or may not survive, he will be docile, probably not speak much and sleep most of the day." All with a smile on his face, 8 hours after I gave birth as I held my son on my chest.

In a year, Liam has done quite a bit- he's had his first word, he can sit, he can commando crawl...backwards, laugh and light up a room, pull you in and give you the best kiss in the world. But this 22 lb little monkey also fought like hell, through hell, and he is here to show those insensitive doctors, strangers on the street, expectant parents given what seems to be devestating news- its ok. He is no different than you or me. It will be ok. Breathe.

Ah, breathing. There were a few weeks he couldn't even breathe. His heart was sick, he couldn't breathe and these two everyday things we take for granted- he got through that with scars that still give me pause. He is proof of the power of prayer, love, support, amazing technology. Liam is not typical, he has given us enough stress to last a lifetime but knowing where we are today, its worth it. He is one of the happiest babies I've seen, he loves with his heart and eyes. And he can breathe now. His heart beats pretty darn good now too.

Life twists, turns, offroads and speeds away from us all. I had both my highest moments and quite a few lowest of the low moments I hope to ever have in my lifetime in the last 365 days. Liam makes me who I am, he gets me through a tough moment with the twinkle in his eye and little things, who cares anymore?

Thank you William Michael Kuhns- you have taught me more about who I am in the last year than I knew in the previous 30. I can't wait to share our life growing with you and seeing the world in your eyes.

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