Friday, March 5, 2010

Power of Prayer and Faith

I met a number of families over the last two months that have meant the world to me- having someone to talk to and understand what you were doing through was the best support anyone could ask for. A few of those families still have surgeries they are facing and long term care for serious conditions. I would ask any of our friends and family to continue to pray for these amazing kids. Here are a few we keep in our daily thoughts and prayers:

R, 2 1/2, waiting for heart transplant, has only lived at CHOP since birth and is the best spirited little girl I have ever met. I can't wait to go visit her soon.
K, about 6, also waiting for heart transplant and R's "big brother".
M, 1 month, discharged before us but waiting for her heart surgery. Her mom and dad have been awesome to us and I'm so happy we still talk.
J, 10 months, has the best parents in the world and is facing a tough and unknown future after having one of the most rare diagonis. We miss the friendship and constantly think of you guys.
J, 2 months, had her second of third surgeries today and has the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen
W, 3 months, surgery on the 18th and another surgery later this summer, you are going to do great little man!
J, 14 years old, just had a heart transplant and is getting used to his new heart. His mom has an amazing strength.

1 comment:

  1. As amazing as CHOP is, it definitely has its moments of heartbreak for these kids. Wow, siblings both waiting for transplants? So sad. I'll keep them all in my thoughts.
