So many updates and happenings- first, Liam turned 15 months old on February 11th, last Friday. He also began sitting up by himself and it is all he wants to do now! Liam is definitely ready to move, he is in constant motion. Occasionally, he will get on all fours and rock in place, but it seems he is more interested in standing or kneeling if he can pull up. So finally, we are seeing something in the gross motor skills delay he has had. He also has been pretty funny, he definitely is an entertainer. Liam now likes to give high fives and has just started blowing kisses.
We unfortunately had to go to the ER two weeks ago- a stuffy nose turned quickly into a wheezing noise that had everyone scared. Thankfully, it was not RSV and they sent us home. But two days later, he sounded worse and the pediatrician confirmed early stages of bronchitis. We were put on some antibiotics and Liam spent most of the week inside.
On the positive side, he had his hearing test and everything is absolutely normal. His ear canal was just too small to get a reading previously. I have an eye appointment for him coming up and need to schedule a dental and an x ray- apparently a lot of DS children can have a spinal fusion issue where they aren't allowed to tumble. Its just precautionary. So much to stay on top of and keep up with, I feel like a health care manager more than a mom sometimes!
He also had his 15 month appointment and the pediatrician was very happy with how he sounded despite being sick. He is in the 50% on the growth chart of both height and weight on the typical chart- 25 lbs even and 30 3/4 inches. He really had a growth spurt recently, he is looking leaner and his Buddha belly is not as big as it was a few weeks ago. Why this makes me sad, I don't know!
Last Wednesday, we finally moved! We had the keys a week before that and found a great painter who got our rooms to look how we (read: I) wanted before all of our stuff got here. The move was a long day, we have unpacked a few broken things and I am having trouble finding a few things too, so claims process will begin at some point. For now, we are slowing getting rooms put together, not 100% but livable. Liam loves the house- he finally slept through the night and knock on wood, since we moved here, he has every night since he is back in his crib.
That's it for now, its been a while since we've updated. The picture is from the day he turned 15 months. Happy long weekend!
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