Liam had a great 9 month check up on August 13th. He was 18 lbs, 12 oz and 27 1/2 inches, which puts him at 25% for height and weight on the typical chart and a shocking 80% on the DS weight and 60% on the height scale. To say Liam likes food is an understatement! We were at CHOP on Tuesday for bloodwork to check his immune levels again, thyroid and hemoglobin- this is a new concern. At his check up, they drew blood and this level came back abnormally high. The doctor said he might have been a little dehydrated because he hadn't had a bottle since the night before (we were there at 7:30am). Hoping the re-test results show a more normal reading. Our therapist said at our last session that there is a normal curve for DS and a lower curve underneath that for kids who have had open heart surgeries and Liam is well above both, which made us happy. He refuses to crawl, only holding himself up for a few seconds. It may be his chestbone healing still or that he just has a weakened strength there because of his hospital stay, but the goal is crawling over the next few months. In the meantime, he sits, rolls and is trying to sit up on his own. We are working on the core strength still so his arms and legs can get stronger for the crawling and standing. When he stands now, he is curious about his feet and puts his head down to watch, and begins to fall forward! Its cute but not getting us closer to hitting that milestone.
And our ltitle man has made his Dad very happy because his first word of course is DA DA. He says it all day long...to me, MA MA, which I am patiently waiting for. Sigh! It is adorable to hear his voice past typical babbling.
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