Liam and Glo-worm have developed a weird ET like relationship. It calms him immediately and he can just stare all day at Glo-worm.
Not much to update- his chest xrays this morning looked better than yesterday which is a positive sign. Doctors think we will be here still for a while until he starts to slow up on drainage, which definitely hasn't happened yet, he is draining 600-800ml a day. I'm getting more anxious to actually hold him and feel his skin against mine, and from the looks of it, he is too. Its hard to get the stares, cries and then, the sigh of defeat from the little man. He has a line that feeds directly into the right atrium and as long as he has that, we can't hold him.
He isn't on much right now in terms of meds compared to last week when we didn't know what was happening to him. Liam has developed some small clots so they have him on Heparin to help thin it out. Because of his chest drainage, he is losing proteins, platelets, etc so they are trying to replace those as they come out but other than just plain IV fluids and some Valium for discomfort, he looks better than he did before the second surgery, which gives us hope. At that time, he had 4 IVs and about 12 different meds going in. We are on one IV and one main line now.
We are starting to climb the walls in the are we ever going to leave sense. Its so hard to watch him, losing weight, not the same personality or spunk as he had when we first came. He is definitely going to need to start eating to get back to his chubby wubby status. Hopefully the doctors will let him start feeding sometime over the next few days, he hasn't had a bottle since last Monday. I prefer my baby with little baby fat rolls! Thanks to all for the prayers..we asked the chaplains here to visit with us as well and we will take the love and thoughts from all.
Awwww, he looks so alert and ready to roll out of there, too. Soon, I hope. Samantha had this little turtle that played music when she was in the hospital. We called it Crack Turtle because it would instantly calm her, too. Glad Glo-Worm works for Liam!