The picture above is all the thank yous from the kids who have been to CHOP's cardiac center for surgery, transplants, etc. Once Liam gets a little bigger, we will have to work on his masterpiece too. It gives a lot of hope to see so many kids pieces of art, I tend to stand there and read them when he is sleeping and I take a little walk on the floor. Inspiring.
We are seeing decreases in his fluids which means the lungs are getting clearer and he is getting healthier. The doctor came by around 4pm and said she thinks as the fluids come out, we can turn down the oxygen and by the time he leaves, we may not need a lot of medicines to take home. They have upped his diuretics and it seems to really be working well. The goal is to have him outputting in his diaper more fluid than he takes in and we might be there today.
If all continues well, it could be by the middle of the week they send us back home to recover. We have our fingers crossed he will keep feeling better! He has been cooing, even smiling today, which has been great to see his personality again after the last few days of being pretty out of it. The doctor said the Down Syndrome may play a role in the time it has taken for the meds to really get working but we are just thankful they are working now!
Alex is trying to get Liam to fall asleep now..its like being at home, he just wants to play!
Oh, I didn't recall seeing that wall of thank-yous when we were at CHOP. When Samantha is a little older, I'll have to be sure to have her make something for them, too. :-) I'm hoping for a speedy recovery and an uneventful transition back home!!!